1. Introduction: Employee engagement in remote and hybrid work environment

Source - (Blagui, 2021)

In today's fast changing work environme­nt, the traditional office setting has e­volved and remote and hybrid work mode­ls have become more­ common. Employees now have the­ flexibility to work from home or a combination of on-site and off-site­ locations. As organizations embrace flexible work arrangements, the challenge of maintaining employee engagement has become more critical than ever before. To overcome it, organizations will be required to practice innovative approaches and tailored strategies.

Employee engagement

Smith (2023) stated that, employee engagement is a human resources (HR) concept that describes the level of enthusiasm and dedication a worker feels toward their job. Engaged employees care about their work and about the performance of the company and feel that their efforts make a difference. Employee engagement can be critical to a company's success. It has clear links to job satisfaction and employee morale. Communication is the critical part of creating and maintaining employee engagement. Engaged employees are more likely to be productive and higher performing. They also often display a greater commitment to a company's values and goals.

According to Andreev (2023), it is important to note that employee engagement is different from employee satisfaction. A satisfied employee will not necessarily commit extra time and effort into the organization’s success. They will only perform their job competently without expending extra effort. Job satisfaction tends to be transactional; those employees corresponding to salary and benefits. Employee engagement is not transactional; an employee with a higher salary will not necessarily be an engaged employee.

Source - (Netsuite, 2021)

Benefits of employee engagement

Andreev (2023) found that, employee engagement can massively aid to organizations. Engaged employees will go above and beyond to provide great service to their customers. An engaged employee wants their work to benefit the organization, so they will find ways to produce great quality work quickly. Companies that have engaged workers report 21% higher profitability and were scored 17% higher on productivity. If an employee is truly engaged, they will not want to leave their role, as they want to continue helping the organization to reach its goals. When employees are properly engaged with the organization, they understand their own importance in the company as well as others. They will take time to help, train, advise and lead those employees around them. Research shows that 92% of business executives believe engaged employees perform better, boosting the success of their teams and the outcomes of their organizations (Ryba, 2021).

Source - (K-64learning, 2022)

Employee engagement in remote and hybrid work environments

Keeping employees engaged was a considerable challenge when everyone was in the same place. Now the growing demand for hybrid and flexible work made things more complicated (McSilver, 2021). According to Qualtrics (2024), since remote & hybrid workers have had to work from home, there is immense pressure on companies to find ways of bringing together their people and investing in the creation of a new workplace dynamic and company culture. Remote employee engagement is the strategy of investing in the two-way process between managers and employees. It describes how organizations interact with their employees to keep them involved and motivated and how employees respond and feedback to improve their working situation.

Source - (McFeely, 2021)


Most of the Sri Lankan organizations including banks, IT companies and telecommunication companies was moved to hybrid or remote workplace due to the pandemic situation. However, maintaining employee engagement in a virtual workplace is a challenging task. For keeping employees engaged as they were in on-site workplace, HRM has to implement several strategies and actions to overcome this challenge.  


Andreev, I. (2023, December 27). valamis. Retrieved from valamis: https://www.valamis.com/hub/employee-engagement#what-is-employee-engagement

Blagui, N. (2021, July 22). exoplatform. Retrieved from exoplatform: https://www.exoplatform.com/blog/how-to-engage-remote-employees-the-recipe-infographic/

K-64learning. (2022). k-64learning. Retrieved from k-64learning: https://www.k-64learning.com/employer-engagement/

McFeely, S. (2021, August 31). quantumworkplace. Retrieved from quantumworkplace: https://www.quantumworkplace.com/future-of-work/remote-work-statistics

McSilver, A. (2021, September 21). linkedin. Retrieved from linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/business/talent/blog/talent-engagement/employee-engagement-and-hybrid-work-tips

Netsuite. (2021, April 28). Why employee engagement matters.

Qualtrics. (2024). qualtrics. Retrieved from qualtrics: https://www.qualtrics.com/uk/experience-management/employee/remote-employee-engagement/

Ryba, K. (2021, March 2). quantumworkplace. Retrieved from quantumworkplace: https://www.quantumworkplace.com/future-of-work/what-is-employee-engagement-definition

Smith, T. (2023 , October 28). investopedia. Retrieved from investopedia: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/e/employee-engagement.asp


  1. Very interesting a If you invest in the right tools and technologies, you can make a hybrid model work that is good for both the workers and the company. Keep Posting

    1. yes dilshad. agree with you. organizations can use Slack, Microsoft Teams or other instant messenger apps to engage with their teams (Tansey,2021).

  2. Superb analyze. The best part is the distinguish between Employee engagement and its own benefits and Employee satisfaction and its own benefits. Thank You !

    1. thanks wasula. yes employee engagement is different from employee satisfaction. Employee engagement evaluates people’s emotional commitment and excitement toward their work and organization, while employee satisfaction primarily measures happiness with the job and working conditions (Stone,2024).

  3. Overall, maintaining employee engagement in a virtual workplace requires a multifaceted approach that combines technology, communication, and a focus on well-being. By implementing these strategies and actions, HRM can overcome the challenges posed by remote work and cultivate a motivated and engaged workforce that drives organizational success.

    1. yes as you said organizations are required to combine technology, communication and well-being when making strategies. because employers are not only struggling to get employees to get back into the office, but to establish a sense of community where every employee feels like they're involved and important, no matter where they're working from

  4. Remote & Hybrid work environment encourages work-life balance by providing flexibility and autonomy to employees. With the ability to work remotely, individuals can better manage their personal and professional responsibilities, leading to reduced stress and improved well-being. This shift also fosters exclusivity by accommodating diverse needs and preferences, ultimately boosting morale and productivity. Embracing the virtual office model is a positive step towards creating a harmonious work environment where employees can thrive both professionally and personally.

    1. great, you have correctly identified the benefits of remote and hybrid working. While hybrid work looks different for every company, a commonly shared challenge is how employees stay engaged with their organization (Le,2023).

  5. As correctly said there are many benefits when an organization focus on employee engagement specially when it comes to hybrid/remote working environments. Organizations can create a competitive advantage, attract top talent, and achieve sustainable growth in today's dynamic and evolving work landscape.

    1. yes the benefits that you mentioned are directly related to the employee engagement. It also requires business leaders to track metrics and engage in initiatives that facilitate more productive workflows and a better employee experience (Officespacesoftware,2024).

  6. Pandemic situation :{ yes, that was unpredictable...The employment engagement levels dropped down according to the information given yes..! A Positive step should be given towards the betterment of the future

    1. Correct, When the pandemic started, remote work was seen as a temporary solution. Today, employees continue to demand flexibility in their work schedules. Remote workers enjoy a better work-life balance and prevent themselves from burnout (Officespacesoftware,2024).

  7. Employee engagement is a key factor in remote work. But hybrid work or remote work is only applicable to certain industries as you mention. While acknowledging the significance of employee engagement in remote work settings, it's essential to recognize that the feasibility of hybrid or remote work arrangements varies across industries, as discussed in the literature (Baker & Montag, 2020).

    1. yes this method does not work for every organizations and industries. however the rapid advancement of technology and the increasing availability of high-speed internet connections can made remote work more feasible and accessible to all organizations in somehow (Culturepartners,2024).

  8. Fantastic article! It provides a thorough and insightful exploration of employee engagement in today’s evolving remote and hybrid work environments. The distinction between employee engagement and satisfaction, alongside the highlighted benefits and strategies for maintaining engagement, is particularly valuable. This piece is a great resource for any organization looking to navigate the complexities of keeping a remote workforce engaged and motivated.

    1. Thank you ruchira. yes In recent years, there has been a significant shift in the way people work. Traditional office setups are gradually being replaced by hybrid remote work environments that blend the best aspects of remote and in-person work (Culturepartners,2024). so i think its worth to study about this.

  9. Your blog post adeptly highlights the nuances of employee engagement in remote and hybrid settings, offering valuable insights into its critical role for organizational success. Your distinction between satisfaction and engagement is particularly enlightening, providing a strong foundation for your strategies to boost engagement. This piece serves as an excellent resource for leaders navigating the evolving workplace dynamics. Great job on weaving research with practical advice!

    1. thank you thashitharan. To create an environment that promotes employee engagement, organization should understand what team members value and develop techniques that help maintain their interest in company values. Strategies that promote team’s values can increase their engagement (Herrity,2022).

  10. The paper does a good job of highlighting how important HRM is to putting these concepts into practice. Further research into these tactics might be helpful, looking at cutting-edge methods like online team-building exercises, frequent check-ins, and cultivating an environment of candid feedback and open communication. Furthermore, understanding how to use technology to connect and collaborate across geographically dispersed teams would improve the ideas that have been discusser's usefulness.

    1. yes correct. Strategies that promote the team’s values can increase their engagement. To determine what drives the team, can consider conducting an employee survey or having a meeting to brainstorm ideas (Herrity,2022).

  11. Informative... In remote and hybrid work, employees can feel more engaged because they have flexibility and less stress. But it's also easy for them to feel disconnected and have trouble balancing work and life. Good communication and keeping the company's culture strong are important for keeping employees engaged.

    1. yes correct, variety of behaviors can erode team engagement in hybrid settings, such as failing to be mentally or emotionally present at meetings, turning the camera off, or checking emails. Beyond avoiding these pitfalls, managers should keep meetings short and use interactive tools, such as chat, polls, and informal competitions (Scharf,2024).


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